WOW!!!  We just received word from Lifeline that we’ve been awarded a ministerial grant of $1,000 which will be added to our agency fees!!  Praise God!!  He has been so very faithful to us, especially this week!  We’ve seen His hand in a huge way!! 

Last Friday, I was checking our Mission4Mollie account fund online and I noticed that there was almost $500 more in there than I had recorded in the check register.  So me being of huge faith, called the bank to report the error!!  It was not an error, someone had come in that day and deposited money for us!!  And wouldn’t you know it, we have almost the exact amount of money in that account that we need at this time!!

I pray about this everyday.  I remind the Lord that this was not my idea, but His!!  He knows exactly where the funds are going to come from, He’s already set everything in motion!