Jeremy is the Senior Pastor at Kirklin Assembly of God. Heidi is the Library Director of the Kirklin Public Library. They have been married for 25 years. They have 2 biological children, Taylor, their son, who is 23, and Kennedy, their daughter, who is 22.
Heidi’s Story……
For years our children have wanted to adopt. I did not have this desire until October 2010. I was at The Great Banquet, a Christian retreat, when God began to soften and move in my heart the thought of adoption. He revealed a plan to me that I had never dreamed, that Jeremy and I had a daughter waiting for us in China!!
When I was young, my parents divorced. They are wonderful people, but just felt they needed to part ways.
My sister and I moved in with my Aunt Molly. She had never been married and had no children of her own. She helped raise Tanya and me. Although, we were never formally adopted by her, she was my adopted Mother. She loved us unconditionally.
My parents love my sister and I and we remain close to them. My dad lives in Arkansas very near where I grew up. My mom lived in Oklahoma until she died in 2001 suddenly of a brain aneurysm at the age of 46. She is missed every day by me and my family.
At The Great Banquet, Aunt Molly sent me a letter. The first line of this letter read, “Although you were not born of my body, you were born of my heart.” That final confirmation was all Heidi needed and God’s plan was now firmly set in her heart.
I came home and told Jeremy what I felt we needed to do. I asked him to pray about it and then I left it alone. It took Jeremy a couple of months for God to place this on his heart as well, but He did. We both felt this was God’s direction and His heartbeat for our family. We started researching agencies and the steps involved in international adoption.
After we were approved from our agency, the next step was telling our children! Needless to say, they took the news extremely well! They have been wonderful, giving to Mission4Mollie out of their own money! It has been such a blessing to see them give out of a sacrificial heart for their new baby sister! We are so excited about this journey that God has called us to, and we look forward in sharing our story with you!!
Blessings! Heidi
Jeremy’s story……
Heidi came home from The Great Banquet Retreat and told me what she felt that God wanted us to do. Needless to say it wasn’t what I was expecting to hear. It wasn’t even a thought on my radar. I told her that I would pray about it and that I would be open to the possibility. There were a few concerns I had that had to be answered.
A couple of months passed by with little prayer. Heidi and I began to pray about it and God brought confirmation to me through several things.
1. God revealed to Mary first His plan of giving her a child before He revealed it to Joseph.
2. The scripture is replete with taking care of orphans. (James 1:27)
3. Our family sees this as an opportunity to make difference on a person’s life.
4. We can convert our extra family room at our house into a fourth bedroom.
All of these things brought confirmation to me that adoption was something we should explore.
If you’d like to contact either Jeremy or Heidi, see info below….:)
jeremy@mission4mollie.com or 765-891-1198
heidi@mission4mollie.com or 765-891-1508
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