This is not the same girl we met 3 weeks ago!
God has done some major “heart” surgery on her!!
She is finally trusting us and letting us in.
We could not be happier!
She has even decided that I am not so bad after all.
I don’t have pictures to prove it, but take my word for it!!
This little girl has stolen our hearts and we are all in love. 🙂
Thank you Lord for your daily provision and faithfulness in our lives.
I absolutely give all the credit to Him!
But God!! Only through Him!!
He is to receive all the glory and honor!!
“For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.” 1 Samuel 1:27
Maryann Farnham
So happy for you!! I knew she would come around. Love pictures with big smiles.
We don’t really know each other but your journey has been very exciting to see/read for my boys and I. Almost the first thing I try to see in the mornings. So a BIG Congrats to your family!!!
kim Myers
You also don’t know me but I have shared and followed your story with our family…all 8 of us. 4 bio kids + two from China, one just joining our family at age 3 last Dec. My husband and out of town grown kids will call and ask: “How is Mollie doing?”
I have tears in my eyes as I read the about progress wile yelling out loud: “YES, YES YES!” Send text messages to my family who share in you joy! So happy for you. She is just beautiful!! I love her little ( huge) smile! Oh Thank God!!!
You know, it’s funny!! We may not “know” each other, but adoption brings people together!! I love that my friends, family, or people we haven’t met can comment on our blog!! We read every comment and are thankful for the encouraging words!! I cannot express to you how much your words have meant to us through this journey!! I did not have time to reply to every comment, but every comment was read and appreciated!! I LOVE that your keeping your family updated!! Makes my heart so glad!! I’m going to try and do a much better job of updating her progress!! Maybe daily!! 🙂 Fingers crossed!!
looooove loooove LOVE it! i asked my kiddos their thoughts after meeting and playing with mollie….isaiah = she is just sooo stinkin adorable mom…..josiah = i really like her mom and i think she likes me like a lot cause she followed me yesterday until she seen you holler for me then she quit chasing me. and can you have me a baby sister please and thanks….tristan = shes so cute and funny!
its so awesome to see God at work! love you guys so much heidi!
Mindi Jobe
WOW – love the smiles – she wouldn’t smile for me last Thursday taking her picture – so glad she is letting your family in and her little heart is mending – GOD IS SO AWESOME and you guys are so blessed to have this precious little princess!
Precious and beautiful!