Well, since I have 3 beautiful children, I’m going to post pictures of them!!
You saw updated pictures of my youngest Monday, so how about some update pics of my 2 oldest??
They are both great kiddos and they are loved greatly by their parents!!
They had their Spring dance this past Saturday, and boy do they look good all dressed up!! 🙂

Disclaimer: Jeremy’s hair is not has gray as it appears….it’s an illusion!! And probably the sunlight!

Disclaimer: I’m not as heavy as I appear, it’s……oh, who am I kidding?? 🙂

Disclaimer: These were not their “dates”. They just happened to stand next to each other. 🙂

Yes, I realize I had more than one child at this dance.
Yes, I realize there are several more pictures of the girls than the boys.
But have you ever tried getting 3 boys to let you take their picture??
They are not cooperative!!
Then you tell the girls you’re going to take their picture and they ask, “where do you want me and which way do I look”??
Night and day I tell you, night and day!!
Thank you Taylor and Kennedy for getting dressed up and going to the dance.
I thoroughly enjoyed it!! 😉
Jk, they didn’t let me stay!!
Day 114 of our wait for LOA………………….:(
Marjorie Harris
Heidi, the kids look so ‘smashing’ !!!! Love, love, love Kennedy’s dress, and her hair is gorgeous. She just looks beautiful. AND…..Taylor is looking quite stunning in his glasses, white shirt and tie! I think Jeremy is as handsome as ever, and you Heidi, look gorgeous as well. Love your smile and eyes and ‘Herndon’ connection! Can’t wait to have Mollie in the mix in person and ‘in your face’!!!!!!!! Little Miss Mollie Turner will liven the whole shabang up!! What fun awaits the Turner household when God’s latest gift crosses the threshhold. Any day now, I just know the final part of this journey is going to get underway, and the flurry will start. “LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!”
Thanks Marj!! We got a great deal on Kennedy’s dress and I loved that it was age appropriate! Taylor wanted a white shirt and black tie, so that’s what he wore! We are a very blessed family!! And yes, there is no denying I am a Herndon, as are you!! You can tell we are family! 🙂
We cannot wait for our Mollie! She is going to be one loved little girl!!