Wow, that is one looooong title!! 🙂
Ok, my goal is to blog everday.
That’s a goal people, doesn’t mean it will always happen….but I’m seriously wanting to do this thing!!
An update for you that are not on Facebook…..
Again, why aren’t you on Facebook?
It would make my life A LOT easier!!
Jk, I get why people are not on FB.
But that is another post!!
Mollie is doing really, really well!!
Makes my heart very happy to post those words!!
She loves music!! As a matter of fact, she’s on my iPhone now listening to one of my favorites!!
She’s smart as a whip!! (See above sentence…)
She takes my phone and maneuvers the heck out of it!!
I don’t even know how she did what she did!!
She’s very happy! She seems to love her family very much!!
Either that or she is one really great performer!!
Either way, there’s talent!! 🙂 JK!
Really, she is the cutest thing to leave China!!
She is still just in love and awe with her Jei Jei (Kennedy)!
The way she looks at her, you know she wants to be just like her when she is the ripe old age of 13!!
She loves Taylor as well, probably not as much as he loves her!!
The way the bigs (Taylor and Kennedy) are with her, it just melts my heart!!
I seriously get teary when I watch them!! They adore her!!
Kennedy and I were talking Saturday and we both made the comment that it’s like she’s always been with our family!!
She just fits us!!
That’s the best way I can describe it!!
God knew what He was doing when He put her with us!!
She is definitely a Turner/Herndon combo!!
She is clumsy!! Just like her Mama!!
She has stinky feet and breath!! Just like her…..well, like all of us!! 🙂
She loves to be clean….just like Baba!!
She picks at her toes….just like her brother!!
She loves to sing and dance….just like her sister!!
I could go on and on about the similarities, but you get the picture!!
You want to hear about what she did today!!
Today was a momentous day in the Turner household….
Mollie started Preschool!!
We were not going to start her this year, but we both felt she is ready.
So today she officially went to school!!!
(Insert tears and sadness from Mama here!!)
No, I am happy for her!
She wants/needs to be around other kids her age and she seemed to love it!!
She’ll only go 2 days a week for 2.5 hours a day.
So it’s not like she’ll be gone all day, for 7 full hours!!
Needless to say Kennedy is jealous!!
She wants to go to school 2 days a week for 2.5 hours!!
Mollie did very well.
It was a good day.

Marjorie Harris
Good Morning, Heidi,
Well, Mollie is ‘ours’ and we are so thankful for her life and for her entrance into our lives. Haven’t had the privilege of actually loving on her in person, but, that time will come and she’ll be surrounded with people who think she’s adorable!! Has Tanya and the girls had a visit yet?? I can only imagine how much Olivia and Emma will love her and she them! Mom and I are visiting Arkansas in about 2 and 1/2 weeks and will stay two full weeks with Aunt Molly. Of course we look forward to being there with Michael Don, Melissa, your Dad and Linda and anyone else we might get to see. Darla is flying to West Lafayette to be with her kids as they await the arrival of both grandbabies. Chris and Steph’s baby girl, ‘Caitlin’ is due in about 2 wks, and Andrew and Torre’s baby boy, ‘Drew’ is due about two wks later! So, Darla is praying to get in on both births. Whew! Greg and Darla will welcome two grandbabies almost all at once! Anyway, why don’t you plan on driving to West Lafayette and let Darla see Mollie! That would be great. Well, Heidi, we send our love to you, Jeremy, and your ‘three’ kids. So thrilled for God’s precious gift to you and to our whole family. Love you all. Marj
kim Myers
Our family is so happy to hear how well Mollie is doing! Whew! We have followed and prayed for you all. Our molly ( adopted from China 15 years ago at age 6 months) asks about your Mollie often. Our Annie Kate ( from China Dec. 11, age 3) was the same regarding pre school. We had no intended to start her but 6 weeks home she was ready. She starts back tomorrow and is looking forward to it.
Great news! Oh man is Mollie cute!! Love that smile!
I’m glad to hear from you again! When we drive down to my moms we have seen Mollie a few times and the boys get so happy when they see her, they will say “theres Mollie she is cute” She is very cute!!!!! I have two boys and there are times a girl would have been nice but I got what God wanted me to have and that is GREAT!! Congrats again for your new daughter. Glad preschool when good!!
Hi there! Just wanted you to know that I love your adoption story. Absolutely heartbreaking, with absolute joy and redemption. A true story of Jesus. 🙂 We are still waiting to bring our little girl home. Praying for the same joy and redemption in her heart.