This is Jeremy again posting for my wonderful wife who is extremely tired. I hope you enjoy!
Mollie Xiu is improving remarkably. She has become a happy toddler! She smiles. She plays. She laughs. She runs. She is BEAUTIFUL!
Taylor and Kennedy play a game of hide and seek with her….They all go to the bathroom and get into the shower (it is big enough to fit 10 people). Taylor and Kennedy quickly run and hide somewhere in the room. Xiu Xiu runs wildly to find them. When she finds them she falls to the floor laughing. It is such a joyous thing to see she her respond this way. We have video footage but for some reason we are unable to post video to our blog.
Xiu Xiu is warming up to Heidi everyday, but still has a ways to go. Heidi has gotten some kisses, held her when she was asleep, and feed her some food. We know in time that in time she will adore her Mama.
We spent the day at GZ zoo yesterday. We found out the Mollie really enjoyed the animals. And not only the animals, but also an ice cream cone. We let the pictures do the talking today….
beautiful! we love the pandas! y’all look so happy and perfect together! God proved Himself yet again! woot woot
God is good ALL the time….ALL the time He is good! missy is doing very well! she has proved to be a lil piggy and quite the little protector lol! love y’all and can’t wait to see you!
Kim Davis
Awesome. Love the family photo, been waiting on that
Sure is great to see you all together. My favorite has to be
Mollie sticking out her tounge.. Priceless. Her and Kinsley will get along great..
Prayers for a safe trip home.. yay.. 4 more days..
Marjorie Harris
I have just ONE thing to say this evening. Hope none of your other adoptive friends can read this, BUT. . . . . .our ‘Mollie’ is by far the cutest, most adorable, child in any of these pictures. Bar none, without question, absolutely!!!!!!!
Amy Dingman
I finally got to catch up with your blog! How wonderful. She is beautiful. We are all so happy for you guys!!!! What an amazing experience!
You all are such a beautiful family! God bless the remainder if your trip and travels!
Thats nice of you Jeremy to help do the posting. Heidi did you find the bag?
The pictures are wonderful. Thanks again for letting the world be part of this.
I love that Mollie is smiling in most of the pictures. Can’t wait to go get ice cream with her and the girls and let them all play!
Debra Crawford Crow
Heidi, I have an adopted daughter. She came to live with us only 3 days before her 1st birthday. She is now 8 years old. She is a very special child, was born with addictions. She become close to Daddy, my husband Bill within weeks of her arrival. It took a while for her to bond with me, but now she is my girl and we are very close. I am praying for your family daily. Thank you for what you all are doing.
Debbie Sauer
She is so cute! Blessings