Ok, every adoptive parent I know and have talked to say that once you make it to Guangzhou, it is awesome!!
Well, they were right!
Guangzhou, or GZ, does not disappoint!!!
First, we are in The Garden Hotel….now this is a hotel!!
When they say 5 stars, I believe it!! I will post pictures!!
Not only are we in an Executive Suite, but we have 1 1/2 bathrooms!!
In. Our. Hotel. Room!!! It’s fabulous!!!
The flight here from Taiyuan took about 3 hours.
Mollie did awesome!! Taylor, Kennedy, and I had the 3 seats on one side of the plane and Jeremy and Mollie had the 2 on the other row.
They had a lovely Chinese lady and her 18 month old daughter, DoDo that sat beside them!!!
(Yes, you read her name right….poor girl!!)
Anyway, she spoke English and she and Jeremy had all sorts of good talks on the plane!
We found out through the power of paper and pen that Mollie is a lefty!! Hope I can still teach her to tie her shoes!
She also loves to be clean and to have cleanliness around her.
She wiped off her tray table probably 20 times!! Spilling her juice down Jeremy’s leg each time!!
What a great guy he is, didn’t even flinch!! Just let her do it!!
We got checked into our hotel and spent a few minutes in our room before heading to dinner with our friends the Nix and Keller family.
We went to Tequila’s! Yes, we ate Mexican food in China!!
It was delicious!! Will definitely eat there again!
GZ is fabulous!! They have a Starbucks!! I’m in heaven! Well, very close!
We are not being stared at now because there are so many Americans here!! That’s been Taylor’s favorite part!!
While in Taiyuan in our group, there were 3 American families with 3 adopted kiddos!
They were not used to seeing people like us, so we drew a crowd wherever we went!! It was insane!!
Taiyuan is a very dirty, smoggy city. The cigarette smoke was so thick I feel like I have black lung!!
GZ, they smoke, but not as heavily, or maybe I just haven’t seen it yet!!
Mollie has done really, really well today.
Jeremy got a kiss this morning!! Lucky!
She’s also calling him Baba all the time. I think his heart is about full as it could get!!
He has got to be the most patient man, EVER!! Well, maybe except for Job…..:)
I do believe that is one of the many reasons God chose Mollie to be ours, because He knew her little heart would be so broken and would need someone with more patience and understanding to help mend it. That is one reason why Jeremy is her Baba.
They way she clings to him is such a great example of how we should cling to our Heavenly Father.
She looks to Jeremy to meet all of her needs!!
And he does. Without fail and without complaint.
I’m still getting the “stink eye” from our little Peanut, but I know she’ll come around.
I’ve described it like this, I’m the step-mom.
You have a Mama whom you love deeply.
That person is gone and someone else comes in.
You don’t want to betray your love for your Mama, so you do not trust or give in to this Step-mom.
It takes time to build that trust.
Well, guess what Peanut, I’ve got time! I’m not going anywhere!!
I worked through this paperwork for over a year and a half.
I labored to be your Mama.
I waited for you.
But you weren’t waiting for me…..you were living your life and enjoying every minute.
You had a family who loved you and whom you loved.
I know I need to give you time, and I can do that.
You deserve time and so much more.
Your life is so precious to me and I will wait. Though it’s not easy!! I will wait.
Ok, no more crying!!! I’m so tired of crying!!!
That’s all I’ve done for 3 days now!!! It’s time for smiles!! And I’ve got some CUTE pictures for you!!!
Like I wrote earlier, we went to dinner with our friends and I got some adorable pictures!!
Today was a pretty uneventful day, but Mollie was happier.
She still grieves, but not as long or hard.
I still covet your prayers….please pray for her heart to mend.
Pray for her to start to see me as someone other than the Step-mom.
Now, on to the good stuff, pics of the day!!
BTW…..that is not our beercan you see in the above pictures!! I promise!!
Thank you for these updates and pictures
They totally make my day! I don’t think she could be any more adorable 
Adorable!!!!!! Kort is a lefty too! I didn’t really get to teach her to tie her shoes. She came home from daycare one day and showed me she could tie her shoes two different ways. Then she started teaching the other kids at daycare. If you need any help, just call Kort.
Melea Kercheval
Thank you for taking us all on your journey of love. Pictures are great! I will pray for continued safe travels and progress with Mollie! Hugs to you all!
Kim Schultz
Your Mollie is precious!!! Love following your journey and seeing her adorable personality start to shine! Congratulations!!
Judy Short
I’m a lefty – I’ll show her how to tie her shoes!!!
So happy for you all – she is so adorable!!
Hey Heidi I am also a lefty!! And trust me it is better or anyway it has been for me all of my life for a left handed person to show me how to do things because watching a right handed just seems backwards. I would love a copy of the one with Pastor Jeremy and Mollie at the restaraunt where she is laughing it is so cute! God is hearing my prayers and many others by letting those little tears turn from sorrow to joy. Now I need to pray that she will turn to you for things too and fall in love with you. I love and enjoy reading these post. I love your room too it is really nice. Love Pam
Austin and AnnaMae are leftys too, and it was a bit difficult to teach shoe tying, but one thing I did was sit in front of them, so what my right hand was doing, their left hand was doing, like looking in a mirror. (took a while to figure that out. LOL) And that is one snazzy hotel for sure. I think I’d live in the bathroom. Prayers and hugs from the Metzinger clan.
awesome! beautiful!! aMaZiNg!!! looove this update and these pics!! God sure is at an awesome work here! that pic of mollie and jeremy…where you can see her lil arm stretching around his neck and her lil hand resting on him….my goodness that picture is beautiful! it speaks volumes of God’s love and perfect plan! i know that i know that i know that very soon we will see your mollie giving you the same love and affection heidi….i think she is just saving the best for last
we love y’all and miss yins much!! ~blessings!~ rajeana
One of my children said “Look she is starting to be Happy” I thought that was soooo cute coming from an 8 year old. My children and I have enjoyed looking at all the pictures and reading all about your trip! Thanks again for sharing:)
Liz newell
WOW, When Mollie smiles,,Her whole face just lights up!! As for the picture of her and Baba, she looks very proud to be sitting by him with her arm around her Baba’s neck. Amazing Love! Heidi, I will tell you again how much I love and admire you. You my friend have a God given patience and deep understanding for this beautiful child. You are her Momma inside and out and a fierce protector. She is blessed to have you and she will come to you very soon…P.S…You know I am loving that hairbow!!!!
Kailie and love to see your pictures. She is sooo cute! Give her time, she will soon be a mommas girl too. They tend to ne Daddy’s girls’ when they are little until the clothes and make up come out, then who do look to? Mom, because Dad says ‘NO’ to everything then! Hang in there. Can’t wait til you guys get home.
Sara Derscheid
well, i was going to mention that Britnee is a lefty and can teach her, but it looks like you have plenty of offers! lol! actually, what i was going to say first was that britnee is a lefty and i was worried to death that i couldn’t teach her to do anything (writing her letters especially) but i don’t remember having any issues.